Free Utah Bill of Sale TC-843 - PDF Template


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Utah Bill of Sale TC-843 is a legal instrument issued by the Utah State Division of Motor Vehicles to facilitate recording important aspects of a sale / purchase transaction. Further, this form is suitable for using during a sale of a motor vehicle, light or heavy truck, van, trailer, off-highway vehicle, snowmobile, boat, or motorcycle.

Important Considerations For A Buyer

  1. Obtain a duly signed copy of the bill of sale in form TC-843 from the seller.
  2. Ask the seller to give the negotiable title duly signed off on the back of the form.
  3. Make sure that the bill of sale contains important particulars of the transaction like date and amount of sale, vehicle description, and information about the seller and the buyer.
  4. The buyer needs to pay the sales tax and other levies at the DMV office in case of a purchase of a motor vehicle from an individual.
  5. The DMV uses the net sale amount mentioned on the bill of sale to calculate taxes. Otherwise, the DMV will calculate the taxes for the buyer based on the fair market price of the vehicle in case the net sale price is not mentioned on the bill of sale.

Important Considerations For A Seller

  1. Hand over registration certificate, signed title, along with safety and emission certificates to the purchaser during the delivery.
  2. As a seller, you must remove the license plates from the vehicle before the delivery.
  3. Make sure to report the sale of the vehicle to DMV online or by sending mail or fax. Similarly, you can contact DMV on phone and inform the sale. Further, the address to send the notification of the sale is

Division of Motor Vehicles
P.O. Box 30412
Salt Lake City, UT 84130
Phone: 1-800-DMV-UTAH
Fax: (801) 297-3570

How To Write: Utah Bill of Sale TC-843

Form TC-843 is interactive. You can enter information online and print the form for signature. Make sure that all sellers listed on the title must sign the bill of sale. Complete following steps to proceed.

  • Select the appropriate type of the vehicle.
  • Then write the net sale amount in words and figure.
  • Enter buyer’s full name.
  • Write seller’s full name.
  • Enter vehicle description like year, make, model, VIN or HIN, and license number on the respective lines.
  • The seller then must date and sign the form.

Free Utah Bill of Sale TC-843 - PDF Download

Sample Utah Bill of Sale TC-843

Use Utah Bill of Sale TC-843 to document important considerations of a sale of a motor vehicle, light or heavy truck, van, trailer, off-highway vehicle, snowmobile, boat, or motorcycle. The seller must provide registration certificate, signed title, along with safety and emission certificates and a signed copy of the bill of sale to the purchaser. However, the title must be negotiable and duly signed off on the back.