Free Maryland Vessel Bill Of Sale - PDF Template

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Maryland Department of Natural Resources offers form B-118 or the Maryland Vessel Bill of Sale to help a seller or a buyer to record a transaction. This form is suitable for using in all counties of Maryland State. In addition to form B-118, you as a buyer, may need form B-240, application for Registration/Title and form B-119, Hull Identification Number during the registration. The new owner of the boat requires contacting the Licensing and Registration Office of the Natural Resources Department in your county. Please prepare this bill of sale in line with the Maryland State Law.

You Must Know Before Proceeding

  1. Any alteration voids the document for further use.
  2. Both the seller and the buyer must prepare and sign it together.
  3. Provide information about reason why the vessel was not previously documented or numbered, date of acquisition and the name of previous owner in case the vessel was never numbered or documented previously. However, you need to provide this information on the back of the bill of sale.
  4. This form B-118 is interactive. Hence, you can directly fill the requested information in the form. Then, print the form after verifying the information.
  5. Do not forget to write information in all requested fields to prepare this bill of sale in its entirety and in line with the requirements of Maryland State Law.

How To Write: Maryland Vessel Bill Of Sale

The seller requires preparing form B-118. Further, give one duly signed copy to the buyer. Likewise, following steps show how to prepare this form accurately.

  • Begin by typing the description of the boat. Further, write HIN or hull identification number of the vessel, name of the manufacturer, length in feet and inches, year of manufacturing, serial number of the motor, and name of the manufacturer of the motor. Lastly, write the motor horsepower.
  • Then write the USCG documentation number or the vessel registration number on the next line.
  • Enter gross sales price and date of the sale and delivery on the following lines.
  • You need to select the correct options among the offered to describe the vessel type, hull material, propulsion, and fuel type.
  • Then, write the buyer’s name and mailing address.
  • Continue by writing seller’s name and mailing address.
  • Then the seller requires entering the date and signing the form. All sellers must sign on a separate line in case of a co-ownership of the vessel.

Free Maryland Vessel Bill Of Sale - PDF Download

Sample Maryland Vessel Bill Of Sale

Maryland Vessel Bill of Sale

B-118 or the Maryland Vessel Bill of Sale is a legal instrument issued by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to facilitate and record a transaction for cash or trade. This form is appropriate for documenting the sale of a vessel in all counties of Maryland State. The buyer requires contacting Licensing and Registration Office of the Natural Resources Department for the registration of the vessel.