Free Hawaii Vehicle Bill of Sale Form - PDF Template

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Hawaii Vehicle Bill of Sale Form or form CS-L(MVR)40 is an official document released by the City and County of Honolulu. In fact, this form is suitable for recording a sale / purchase transaction in all Hawaiian counties. In addition, please remember that you can use this form only while selling a motor vehicle. However, you require form CS-L(SS) 47 or bill of sale while selling bicycle or moped in any of the counties in Hawaii.

Preparing a bill of sale is not mandatory. However, it offers an edge to both the buyer and the seller. Certain advantages worth considering are

For A Seller: Preparing form CS-L(MVR)40 declares that the seller has entered into a transaction and transfers the ownership of the vehicle to the buyer. Moreover, it also protects the seller from liabilities arriving due to misrepresentation by the buyer. For an example, the title of the vehicle displays seller’s name and liability of the vehicle accordingly until the buyer applies for a transfer and change of name on the title. Therefore, prepare a bill of sale and earn peace of mind thereafter. However, do not forget to submit a copy of the bill of sale and notice of the sale in the office of the DMV of your county.

For A Buyer: A duly signed and delivered form CS-L(MVR)40 serves multiple purposes for a buyer of a motor vehicle. This form is a receipt for the payment made to the seller. In addition, it also is documented evidence of the new ownership of the vehicle. However, the buyer requires applying for change of name on the title and registration immediately after the sale is final.

How To Write: Hawaii Vehicle Bill of Sale Form CS-L(MVR)40

  • Enter final sale amount in words and figure.
  • Then enter the name of the buyer on the next line.
  • Provide vehicle description like license plate number, VIN or vehicle identification number, make, model, year of manufacturing, and body type on the respective lines.
  • Enter the name and address of a lien holder if any.
  • Write odometer reading and select the option from the next menu if applicable to declare the odometer reading discrepancy if any.
  • Enter date of executing and delivering the bill of sale.
  • The seller requires signing above print name.
  • Enter seller’s address on the next line.
  • Obtain notary acknowledgment in line with the directives mentioned in Hawaii Administrative Rules §5-11-8.

Free Hawaii Vehicle Bill of Sale Form - PDF Download

Sample Hawaii Vehicle Bill of Sale Form

Hawaii Vehicle Bill of Sale Form

Preparing Hawaii Vehicle Bill of Sale Form or CS-L(MVR)40 is necessary for a seller and a buyer of a motor vehicle for several reasons. This form is issued by the City and County of Honolulu and it is suitable for using in all Hawaiian counties. However, make sure to mention information about the buyer, seller, and vehicle accurately. The seller may obtain buyer’s signature on the form for a mutually agreed sale.